Dawn of the Clans

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The era of the clans has begun. There are five cats, all about to become clan founders, though they do not know it yet.

    Rules of Dawn of the Clans


    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2009-08-02
    Location : camp

    Rules of Dawn of the Clans Empty Rules of Dawn of the Clans

    Post  Skystar Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:00 am


    Make sure you have read the plot before registering/roleplaying.

    This site is PG rated, so no mature content allowed!!

    Please register with the full name of your Roleplaying character, and NOT a screen name (eg: Ginny Potter instead of harrypotterrules699) If you already have registered with a screen name, go to your profile and change your characters name. Proper capitalisation is encouraged (SERIOUSLY).

    You are allowed to register as a canon character, but please first refer to the canon character forum beforehand and claim your canon. You MAY NOT make up your own canon character.

    If you decide to create another character, please alert an admin through PM. You can have as many accounts as you keep active.


    You must create a character application (and have it accepted) before Roleplaying. Without making one you and your character not allowed to RP.

    Every one of your Roleplaying posts must be in third person and past tense.

    FH encourages you to write around 1 paragraph (about 5 sentences).

    Swearing is allowed in roleplay, but only to an extent. If the other member feels offended, please stop. Keep in mind this is a PG-rated site.

    Do not god-mode other members at all in roleplay. This means you cannot control what any player looks like, thinks, does, sees, says, or smells. If they are away for some reason/you have their permission it is allowed, but only to move on threads.

    DO NOT make your character a Mary-Sue or Gary-Stue


    Never swear out of character, argue, or fight with any of the members.

    Please do not spam. This means doubleposting, posting off topic, posting less than five words.

    These rules may change, so check back often.

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